Tue, Jan 21st
Entrepreneurial Discussion Group
entrepreneurial discussion group join us for our weekly entrepreneurship networking and coffee. entrepreneurialism can be very challenging, in this meetup we help each other on the journey. share experience strengths and hope. we do not sell ore promote our products or services. the meeting starts at 8 am and introductions start at 8:15. look forward to seeing you there!
The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group
Curiosity Unleashed: The Key to Exceptional Product Management
curiosity unleashed: the key to exceptional product management curiosity is more than just a personality trait — it's the driving force behind breakthrough products and innovative solutions. in this talk, we’ll explore how cultivating curiosity can transform the way product managers approach problems, inspire teams, and uncover hidden opportunities. ** schedule (cet)** 17:00 - 17:05 intros 17:05 - 18:00 presentation and q&a ** about the organizers** we're on a mission to help companies discover and deliver great products faster. we do this by empowering our community to share knowledge generously. through our consulting engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a product manager on an interim basis (3-12 months). we onboard fast, align teams, and deliver outcomes. join the conversation on [telegram.](https://t.me/getproductpeople) connect with us on[ linkedin.](https://www.linkedin.com/company/getproductpeople/) watch our [previous talks here.](https://www.youtube.com/c/productpeoplemanagement/) would you like to attend one of our in-person events? check the [calendar here.](https://lu.ma/productpeople) don't forget to [subscribe to our newsletter](https://getproductpeople.substack.com/) to be up-to-date with the latest product news. step up: do you want to speak at our next events? email speakers@getproductpeople.com
Product People Community
Networking-Event Drinks & Links in Zürich, Amboss Rampe
networking-event drinks & links in zürich, amboss rampe das "drinks und links"-team lädt dich zum nächsten networking-event in zürich ein. sich austauschen, innovative geschäftsideen besprechen, kontakte knüpfen oder einfach eine gute zeit haben - das haben wir uns von "drinks und links" auf die fahne geschrieben. unkomplizierte atmosphäre - kühle drinks - coole location. wir freuen uns schon jetzt, dich an unserem nächsten event zu begrüssen! \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the drinks and links team are hosting another fab free networking event in zürich (http://drinksandlinks.com/netwoking-event-in-zuerich/). so make a resolution to save the date for a great night of networking and socialising. there is plenty of space to expand our group at a bar which boasts a great selection of drinks! see you there. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the "drinks and links"-team - now wer'e talking http://www.drinksandlinks.com
Drinks and Links - Networking in Zürich
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Basel
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) basel come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master.** if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Lucerne
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) lucerne come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master.** if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Bern
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) bern come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master.** if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Lausanne
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) lausanne come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag ��� all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Wed, Jan 22nd
Founders Academy: From hire to fire: Employment Law for Expanding Startups
founders academy: from hire to fire: employment law for expanding startups
Business Lobby Networking - Basel
business lobby networking - basel
Bitcoin Meetup Zürich
bitcoin meetup zürich *this event is local and held in german and english* **our casual bitcoin zurich meetup is for newcomers and veterans alike.** open discussion, no organised speakers or topics. feel free to discuss all sorts of bitcoin topics. please refrain from investment seeking, sales or unsolicited advertisement of any kind. we appreciate reliable people who show up when registered or cancel their registration when they change their mind ;-) the location manager of insider bar asks for reliable number of reservations. please maintain your registrations accordingly. thank you! *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** consumption to be paid at the bar individually. the bar team is orange pilled and take bitcoin tipps over lightning. **unser zwangloses bitcoin zürich meetup ist für neulinge und veteranen gleichermassen geeignet.** offene diskussion, keine organisierten redner oder themen. du kannst gerne über alle möglichen bitcoin-themen diskutieren. bitte unterlasse die suche nach investitionen, verkäufe oder unaufgeforderte werbung jeglicher art. wir freuen uns über verlässliche teilnehmer, die sich anmelden oder abmelden, wenn sie ihre meinung ändern ;-) der locationmanager der insider bar bittet um eine zuverlässige anzahl von reservierungen. bitte halte deine anmeldungen entsprechend aktuell. *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** der verzehr ist an der bar individuell zu bezahlen. das bar-team ist orange gepillt und nimmt bitcoin-tipps über lightning entgegen.
Bitcoin Switzerland
Tue, Jan 28th
Entrepreneurial Discussion Group
entrepreneurial discussion group join us for our weekly entrepreneurship networking and coffee. entrepreneurialism can be very challenging, in this meetup we help each other on the journey. share experience strengths and hope. we do not sell ore promote our products or services. the meeting starts at 8 am and introductions start at 8:15. look forward to seeing you there!
The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group
How to Train AI Product Managers - Mirza Beširović @ Zendesk
how to train ai product managers - mirza beširović @ zendesk becoming an ai product manager is anything but straightforward in today's highly competitive market. this talk will discuss strategies to help pms move into working with ai and help their product leaders support them on that journey. ** schedule (cet)** 17:00 - 17:05 intros 17:05 - 18:00 presentation and q&a ** about the organizers** we're on a mission to help companies discover and deliver great products faster. we do this by empowering our community to share knowledge generously. through our consulting engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a product manager on an interim basis (3-12 months). we onboard fast, align teams, and deliver outcomes. join the conversation on [telegram.](https://t.me/getproductpeople) connect with us on[ linkedin.](https://www.linkedin.com/company/getproductpeople/) watch our [previous talks here.](https://www.youtube.com/c/productpeoplemanagement/) would you like to attend one of our in-person events? check the [calendar here.](https://lu.ma/productpeople) don't forget to [subscribe to our newsletter](https://getproductpeople.substack.com/) to be up-to-date with the latest product news. step up: do you want to speak at our next events? email speakers@getproductpeople.com
Product People Community
ChatGPT im Rechtswesen: Rechtsschriften und Zweitmeinungen mit KI
chatgpt im rechtswesen: rechtsschriften und zweitmeinungen mit ki **überblick**: sie möchten rechtstexte endlich selbst (mit-)gestalten oder suchen eine fundierte zweite meinung zu ihren juristischen fragen? entdecken sie die welt der künstlichen intelligenz im rechtsbereich. unter der leitung von unserem organisator & ki-experten alexander, einem pionier in der anwendung von ki im para-legalen bereich, bieten wir eine einzigartige kursserie an, die sowohl für laien als auch für fortgeschrittene geeignet ist. alexander organisiert bereits seit ende 2022 das führende monatliche meetup zu ki in der schweiz, ist ausgewiesener menschenrechtsexperte und hat grosse erfahrung im kanzleiwesen. was sie erwartet: * **praktisches lernen:** erstellung und bewertung von rechtstexten mit hilfe von chatgpt. * **innovation:** einblicke in die neuesten entwicklungen eigener gpts im rechtsbereich. * **interaktivität:** kleine gruppen für individuelles feedback und intensiven austausch. * **zugänglichkeit:** jede sitzung ist so gestaltet, dass teilnehmende jederzeit einsteigen können. **disclaimer:** wir übernehmen keine haftung für die richtigkeit und vollständigkeit der von uns bereitgestellten informationen. insbesondere ist der kurs keine rechtsberatung. die nutzung unserer angebote erfolgt auf eigene gefahr. ki-systeme entwickeln sich rasant weiter, sind aber nicht unfehlbar. **kursdetails:** * **termine:** jeden zweiten dienstag, 18:15 - 19:45 uhr * **dauer:** 1.5 stunden pro sitzung * **kosten:** chf 100.- pro person und sitzung, abo- und einführungspreis chf 80.- * **teilnehmer:** maximal 7 teilnehmer pro kurs, um die qualität und interaktion zu gewährleisten * **ort:** zürich city / see, genaue adresse wird nach anmeldung mitgeteilt * **laptop:** wir empfehlen, einen tragbaren computer mitzubringen. **referent:** alexander, lic. oec. hsg, experte und pionier im bereich ki und recht. **kursthemen (alle 14 tage anderer fokus):** * einführung in chatgpt und ki im rechtsbereich * grundlagen des juristischen schreibens mit ki * datenschutz und ki-ethik * vertragsrecht einfach gemacht * urheberrecht für kreative * familienrecht verständlich erklärt * arbeitsrecht in der ai-praxis * immobilienrecht für jedermann * erstellen von einsprachen und beschwerden * ki in der rechtsprechung und bei gerichtsentscheidungen * fortgeschrittene dokumentenanalyse mit ki * abschlusssitzung: ki-strategien für ihre rechtsfragen **anmeldung:** für eine anmeldung oder bei fragen kontaktieren sie uns bitte hier. die plätze sind begrenzt, um die qualität und das individuelle lernerlebnis zu gewährleisten. sichern sie sich ihren platz in dieser zukunftsweisenden kursserie. freundliche grüsse, alexander organisator zurich internet entrepreneurs meetup ki-anwendungs-experte
Zurich Internet Entrepreneurs Meetup
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Zug
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) zug come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Wed, Jan 29th
Hello 50:50 World in Zurich: Software vs. Hardware
hello 50:50 world in zurich: software vs. hardware
Streamlining development with LocalStack, AWS Lambda Powertools, and Quali
streamlining development with localstack, aws lambda powertools, and quali join our january meetup to explore cutting-edge strategies for streamlining cloud development and deployment with localstack. this session features expert-led talks on simplifying serverless best practices with aws lambda powertools and enhancing deployment workflows using localstack's integration with quali torque. discover how these tools can improve developer experience, optimize resources, and accelerate your deployment process. **unlocking ease of use for deployment across localstack and aws** by [david ben shabat](https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-ben-shabat) when it comes to productivity, developer experience is more than just a buzzword. creating an intuitive developer experience could help you get more out of localstack by democratizing access, cutting out manual tasks, and making environments more easily interchangeable between localstack and aws. on a day-to-day basis, this could mean fewer tickets, less time spent creating environments, and more time on the important work that your environments support. this demo session will show how localstack’s new integration with quali torque can accelerate deployment on both localstack and aws by: * using generative ai to create reusable environment templates that can be deployed to localstack and aws interchangeably in just a few clicks. * providing a self-service catalog for your teams to find and provision environments quickly and easily—and without access to create or modify resource configurations. * simplifying the deployment experience by eliminating complexity and security requirements to run environments on aws. * tracking all activity to identify performance issues for localstack deployments and wasted cloud costs for aws deployments proactively. **about speaker** david ben shabat is quali's vice president of r&d and works directly with platform, devops, and software development teams to find ways to simplify the consumption and management of application infrastructure. he has previously worked in engineering and r&d at datto, sisense, and intel. **serverless best practices with aws lambda powertools** by [brian rinaldi](https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianrinaldi) for one-off tasks, aws lambda really can be incredibly easy. you write a few lines of code, deploy it, and you have a function running in the cloud ready to respond to events, scale automatically, and that only costs you pennies. but as your application grows, so does some necessary complexity. when a few one-off functions become a full serverless backend architecture made up of interconnected services, you’ll need to pay careful attention to best practices to ensure that your application is easy to debug, maintain, and scale. that’s where [aws powertools for lambda](https://docs.powertools.aws.dev/lambda/python/latest/) fits in. it’s a suite of reusable utilities designed to simplify bringing best practices around things like logging, tracing, metrics, idempotency and more to your lambda functions with minimal effort. this demo session will dive into some of the functionality provided by the [aws powertools (typescript)](https://docs.powertools.aws.dev/lambda/typescript/2.7.0/) core libraries, such as: * encapsulating best practices into reusable libraries for structured logging, metrics collection, idempotency, and more. * leveraging middy middleware to integrate common cross-cutting concerns, such as injecting lambda context or automatically flushing metric. * enabling local testing with localstack, allowing you to deploy and debug lambda functions with structured logs, trace data, and embedded metrics. * providing modular examples that can be deployed to aws or localstack with ease, enabling developers to explore libraries. **about speaker** brian rinaldi leads the developer relations team at localstack. brian has over 25 years experience as a developer – mostly for the web – and over a decade in developer relations for companies like adobe, progress software and launchdarkly. **participation** this event will be hosted on youtube live. once registered, you’ll receive a link and calendar invite with youtube live details. you can view the live stream, participate by chat, or join q&a. you will be able to access the event recording on our [youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@localstack). **social & community** * [linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/company/localstack-cloud/) * [twitter](https://twitter.com/localstack) * [blog](https://localstack.cloud/blog) * [github](https://github.com/localstack)
LocalStack Community
Thu, Jan 30th
Startup Founder Fundamentals: Launching Your Startup
startup founder fundamentals: launching your startup
UX4AI – Designing AI-powered systems (Short presentations + Panel Discussion)
ux4ai – designing ai-powered systems (short presentations + panel discussion) **about the event** acknowledging the rise of (gen)ai in the last two years, ux research and design will remain a key success factor. visual user interfaces will neither disappear nor be entirely replaced by a text field for prompting or purely conversational interfaces. however, we must adapt and extend existing ux principles, methods, patterns, and guidelines. we want to discuss the first «real-life» experiences of ux experts designing ai-powered systems. **what to expect** * not in focus at all (!): ai4ux, i.e., applying ai tools as ux professionals, such as chatgpt, midjourney, dall-e, or figma ai * two short presentations with insights from projects in various industries, especially insurance, energy / home automation, and transport / mobile navigation * an interactive, open discussion on emerging challenges and approaches. involving both our expert panel and, of course, the audience, i.e., you! **about the participants** the short presentations will be given by [christoph bochsler](https://www.linkedin.com/in/christoph-bochsler-5585253/) and [michaela hildebrandt](https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelahildebrandt/). christoph is managing partner and innovation consultant at the award-winning digital agency cando in winterthur. michaela has worked as a ux designer for various companies, such as helbling technik, hexagon technology center, or axon vibe. [guy papstein](https://www.linkedin.com/in/guypapstein/) and [robin di capua](https://www.linkedin.com/in/robindicapua/) will join us for the panel discussion. guy is known as a ux design manager at steiner ag, swisscom, and vodafone. robin is currently responsible for the swisscom design system sdx. the event will be facilitated by [frank leidermann](https://www.linkedin.com/in/frank-leidermann/) and [daniel boos](https://www.linkedin.com/in/boosdaniel/). both are members of the swissict specialist group «user experience.» at cando, frank is working as an agile and ux lead. daniel is responsible for the digital service user experience at sbb. the event will be in english. the event is co-hosted by ux schweiz and swissict
UX Schweiz – Last Thursday Talks
Hackergarten January
hackergarten january we're planning the next hackergarten zurich we're looking forward to see some familiar faces and share knowledge within the open-source community. spread the word — everyone is welcome! bring your project, a bug, a feature, a question... or just your time and enthusiasm as always there will be free drinks, beer and pizza, sponsored by quatico. as usual we briefly present the open-source projects we'd like to work on, break up into groups and try to make an actual contribution. we offer free pizza, beverages and depending on weather conditions a great view on zurich west from the rooftop terrace. many thanks to quatico (https://www.quatico.com) for hosting the event!
Hackergarten Zürich
Tue, Feb 4th
Entrepreneurial Discussion Group
entrepreneurial discussion group join us for our weekly entrepreneurship networking and coffee. entrepreneurialism can be very challenging, in this meetup we help each other on the journey. share experience strengths and hope. we do not sell ore promote our products or services. the meeting starts at 8 am and introductions start at 8:15. look forward to seeing you there!
The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group
Product Monetization Tactics w/ Sona Dagesyan - DoP @ AVIV Group
product monetization tactics w/ sona dagesyan - dop @ aviv group monetizing a product is about more than just pricing—it’s about crafting strategies that resonate with your audience and align with your goals. in this talk, we’ll explore practical, real-world tactics to unlock revenue opportunities. whether you’re scaling up or just starting out, this session will leave you with fresh ideas to make your product work harder for you. ** schedule (cet)** 17:00 - 17:05 intros 17:05 - 18:00 presentation and q&a ** about the organizers** we're on a mission to help companies discover and deliver great products faster. we do this by empowering our community to share knowledge generously. through our consulting engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a product manager on an interim basis (3-12 months). we onboard fast, align teams, and deliver outcomes. join the conversation on [telegram.](https://t.me/getproductpeople) connect with us on[ linkedin.](https://www.linkedin.com/company/getproductpeople/) watch our [previous talks here.](https://www.youtube.com/c/productpeoplemanagement/) would you like to attend one of our in-person events? check the [calendar here.](https://lu.ma/productpeople) don't forget to [subscribe to our newsletter](https://getproductpeople.substack.com/) to be up-to-date with the latest product news. step up: do you want to speak at our next events? email speakers@getproductpeople.com
Product People Community
Wed, Feb 5th
Ohne Boss ohne Transformation: 10 Jahre Selbstorganisation bei VSHN
ohne boss ohne transformation: 10 jahre selbstorganisation bei vshn während viele unternehmen aktuell ihre transformation von der hierarchischen bürokratie hin zu mehr agilität und selbstorganisation suchen, ist vshn seit der gründung vor 10 jahren sehr selbstorganisiert unterwegs und hat sich kontinuierlich von innen heraus verändert. dennoch hört die entwicklung längst nicht auf! statt ein framework wie holacracy oder safe zu «implementieren», orientiert sich vshn dabei an prinzipien und verwendet muster aus agilen methoden, scrum, sociocracy 3.0 und vielem mehr. kürzlich löste vshn mit ihrer geschäftsleitung den letzten rest traditioneller organisationsstrukturen auf. was kommt als nächstes? jessica und marco liefern keine theoretischen konzepte, sondern geben einen offenen einblick, wie die selbstorganisation, scrum und governance bei vshn funktionieren, welche herausforderungen dabei auftreten und wie das team darauf reagiert. sie zeigen auf, was bei vshn gut funktioniert und welche herausforderungen es gab und aktuell gibt. dabei werden sie eingehend erläutern, welche ansätze sie verfolgen, um kontinuierliche verbesserungen zu fördern. das letzte update von dieser entwicklung gabs vor über drei jahren als [online-breakfast](https://www.meetup.com/de-de/agile-breakfast-zurich/events/278719432/). diesmal live im freiraum! ein must-hear für alle, die sich für innovative organisationsformen und selbstorganisation interessieren! ❖❖❖ dieses agile breakfast war urpsprünglich für den 6. november 2024 geplant. ❖❖❖ [jessica wyrsch](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessica-w-96591a1b2/) ist bei vshn scrum masterin für zwei teams und deren link zur firmenweiten organisationsentwicklung. [marco fretz](https://www.linkedin.com/in/marco-fretz-10b36278/) ist organisationsentwickler bei vshn, mit zusätzlichen rollen in der geschäftsstrategie und personalentwicklung, sowie ehemaliger co-geschäftsführer.
Agile Breakfast Zürich von swissICT
EO Accelerator Info Session
eo accelerator info session the mission of the eo accelerator is to empower entrepreneurs with the **tools, community and accountability** to aggressively grow and master their business. we are pleased that you are interested in our program and hope you were able to get a first impression on our website www.eoaccelerator.ch. our program is aimed at all young entrepreneurs who want to catapult their business to the next level and already have more than **$250,000 in revenue** **or** have received **$1 million in funding**. in order to tell you more about the program, we would like to invite you to one of our virtual info sessions. we look forward to getting to know you. **please register on [eventbrite](https://www.eventbrite.ch/e/479826242207), a registration on meetup is not sufficient.** about eo: the entrepreneurs' organisation (eo) is an exclusive community of successful founders with over $1 million in revenue. the local chapters run confidential forums, organize events and provide executive education in order to support entrepreneurs in business, private, and family life.
Swiss Startups Club
Bitcoin Meetup Zürich
bitcoin meetup zürich *this event is local and held in german and english* **our casual bitcoin zurich meetup is for newcomers and veterans alike.** open discussion, no organised speakers or topics. feel free to discuss all sorts of bitcoin topics. please refrain from investment seeking, sales or unsolicited advertisement of any kind. we appreciate reliable people who show up when registered or cancel their registration when they change their mind ;-) the location manager of insider bar asks for reliable number of reservations. please maintain your registrations accordingly. thank you! *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** consumption to be paid at the bar individually. the bar team is orange pilled and take bitcoin tipps over lightning. **unser zwangloses bitcoin zürich meetup ist für neulinge und veteranen gleichermassen geeignet.** offene diskussion, keine organisierten redner oder themen. du kannst gerne über alle möglichen bitcoin-themen diskutieren. bitte unterlasse die suche nach investitionen, verkäufe oder unaufgeforderte werbung jeglicher art. wir freuen uns über verlässliche teilnehmer, die sich anmelden oder abmelden, wenn sie ihre meinung ändern ;-) der locationmanager der insider bar bittet um eine zuverlässige anzahl von reservierungen. bitte halte deine anmeldungen entsprechend aktuell. *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** der verzehr ist an der bar individuell zu bezahlen. das bar-team ist orange gepillt und nimmt bitcoin-tipps über lightning entgegen.
Bitcoin Switzerland
Thu, Feb 6th
Startup Success Toolkit: Key Strategies and Legal Essentials for Founders
startup success toolkit: key strategies and legal essentials for founders
Founders Drinks: Bern 06.02.2025
founders drinks: bern 06.02.2025
Tue, Feb 11th
How to Get Your Initiative Approved w/ Jon Freeman @ Product People
how to get your initiative approved w/ jon freeman @ product people struggling to get your big idea off the ground? here’s your go-to guide for turning a great concept into an actionable plan that wins over leadership. in this talk, you'll discover what makes a pitch deck stand out, the 5 key elements every successful presentation needs, and practical tips and tricks to seal the deal. don't just propose—persuade. ** schedule (cet)** 17:00 - 17:05 intros 17:05 - 18:00 presentation and q&a ** about the organizers** we're on a mission to help companies discover and deliver great products faster. we do this by empowering our community to share knowledge generously. through our consulting engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a product manager on an interim basis (3-12 months). we onboard fast, align teams, and deliver outcomes. join the conversation on [telegram.](https://t.me/getproductpeople) connect with us on[ linkedin.](https://www.linkedin.com/company/getproductpeople/) watch our [previous talks here.](https://www.youtube.com/c/productpeoplemanagement/) would you like to attend one of our in-person events? check the [calendar here.](https://lu.ma/productpeople) don't forget to [subscribe to our newsletter](https://getproductpeople.substack.com/) to be up-to-date with the latest product news. step up: do you want to speak at our next events? email speakers@getproductpeople.com
Product People Community
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Zurich
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) zurich come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Wed, Feb 12th
Founders Dinner: Lucerne - 12.02.2025
founders dinner: lucerne - 12.02.2025
Founders Dinner Basel - 12.02.2025
founders dinner basel - 12.02.2025
cro/cco/cso dinner
Wed, Feb 19th
HR Essentials Masterclass for scale-ups (8 employees or more) - 19.02.2025
hr essentials masterclass for scale-ups (8 employees or more) - 19.02.2025
Business Lobby Networking - Basel
business lobby networking - basel
Bitcoin Meetup Zürich
bitcoin meetup zürich *this event is local and held in german and english* **our casual bitcoin zurich meetup is for newcomers and veterans alike.** open discussion, no organised speakers or topics. feel free to discuss all sorts of bitcoin topics. please refrain from investment seeking, sales or unsolicited advertisement of any kind. we appreciate reliable people who show up when registered or cancel their registration when they change their mind ;-) the location manager of insider bar asks for reliable number of reservations. please maintain your registrations accordingly. thank you! *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** consumption to be paid at the bar individually. the bar team is orange pilled and take bitcoin tipps over lightning. **unser zwangloses bitcoin zürich meetup ist für neulinge und veteranen gleichermassen geeignet.** offene diskussion, keine organisierten redner oder themen. du kannst gerne über alle möglichen bitcoin-themen diskutieren. bitte unterlasse die suche nach investitionen, verkäufe oder unaufgeforderte werbung jeglicher art. wir freuen uns über verlässliche teilnehmer, die sich anmelden oder abmelden, wenn sie ihre meinung ändern ;-) der locationmanager der insider bar bittet um eine zuverlässige anzahl von reservierungen. bitte halte deine anmeldungen entsprechend aktuell. *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** der verzehr ist an der bar individuell zu bezahlen. das bar-team ist orange gepillt und nimmt bitcoin-tipps über lightning entgegen.
Bitcoin Switzerland
Thu, Feb 20th
Neos CMS - Monthly regulars' table in Zurich
neos cms - monthly regulars' table in zurich one (25') or two (12') talks, followed by cold beers and socializing. the best place to share unfiltered experiences and best practices. please contact the event organizer if you're interested to give a talk.
Neos CMS and Flow Framework Meetup Swiss
Founders Dinner: Zug 20.02.2025
founders dinner: zug 20.02.2025
Tue, Feb 25th
How to Reduce CO2 from Home at Scale w/ Scott Williams - CPO @ Heatio
how to reduce co2 from home at scale w/ scott williams - cpo @ heatio how can you reduce your energy bills when the entire planet has gone insane? that's why scott is here. scott williams has been 25 years of building things. from scoot, ft, upmystreet, google, habito, azimo, kugu and heatio. ** schedule (cet)** 17:00 - 17:05 intros 17:05 - 18:00 presentation and q&a ** about the organizers** we're on a mission to help companies discover and deliver great products faster. we do this by empowering our community to share knowledge generously. through our consulting engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a product manager on an interim basis (3-12 months). we onboard fast, align teams, and deliver outcomes. join the conversation on [telegram.](https://t.me/getproductpeople) connect with us on[ linkedin.](https://www.linkedin.com/company/getproductpeople/) watch our [previous talks here.](https://www.youtube.com/c/productpeoplemanagement/) would you like to attend one of our in-person events? check the [calendar here.](https://lu.ma/productpeople) don't forget to [subscribe to our newsletter](https://getproductpeople.substack.com/) to be up-to-date with the latest product news. step up: do you want to speak at our next events? email speakers@getproductpeople.com
Product People Community
Networking-Event Drinks & Links in Zürich, Amboss Rampe
networking-event drinks & links in zürich, amboss rampe das "drinks und links"-team lädt dich zum nächsten networking-event in zürich ein. sich austauschen, innovative geschäftsideen besprechen, kontakte knüpfen oder einfach eine gute zeit haben - das haben wir uns von "drinks und links" auf die fahne geschrieben. unkomplizierte atmosphäre - kühle drinks - coole location. wir freuen uns schon jetzt, dich an unserem nächsten event zu begrüssen! \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the drinks and links team are hosting another fab free networking event in zürich (http://drinksandlinks.com/netwoking-event-in-zuerich/). so make a resolution to save the date for a great night of networking and socialising. there is plenty of space to expand our group at a bar which boasts a great selection of drinks! see you there. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the "drinks and links"-team - now wer'e talking http://www.drinksandlinks.com
Drinks and Links - Networking in Zürich
Wed, Mar 5th
Founders Dinner Zurich - 05.03.2025
founders dinner zurich - 05.03.2025
Bitcoin Meetup Zürich
bitcoin meetup zürich *this event is local and held in german and english* **our casual bitcoin zurich meetup is for newcomers and veterans alike.** open discussion, no organised speakers or topics. feel free to discuss all sorts of bitcoin topics. please refrain from investment seeking, sales or unsolicited advertisement of any kind. we appreciate reliable people who show up when registered or cancel their registration when they change their mind ;-) the location manager of insider bar asks for reliable number of reservations. please maintain your registrations accordingly. thank you! *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** consumption to be paid at the bar individually. the bar team is orange pilled and take bitcoin tipps over lightning. **unser zwangloses bitcoin zürich meetup ist für neulinge und veteranen gleichermassen geeignet.** offene diskussion, keine organisierten redner oder themen. du kannst gerne über alle möglichen bitcoin-themen diskutieren. bitte unterlasse die suche nach investitionen, verkäufe oder unaufgeforderte werbung jeglicher art. wir freuen uns über verlässliche teilnehmer, die sich anmelden oder abmelden, wenn sie ihre meinung ändern ;-) der locationmanager der insider bar bittet um eine zuverlässige anzahl von reservierungen. bitte halte deine anmeldungen entsprechend aktuell. *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** der verzehr ist an der bar individuell zu bezahlen. das bar-team ist orange gepillt und nimmt bitcoin-tipps über lightning entgegen.
Bitcoin Switzerland
Tue, Apr 15th
Networking-Event Drinks & Links in Zürich, Amboss Rampe
networking-event drinks & links in zürich, amboss rampe das "drinks und links"-team lädt dich zum nächsten networking-event in zürich ein. sich austauschen, innovative geschäftsideen besprechen, kontakte knüpfen oder einfach eine gute zeit haben - das haben wir uns von "drinks und links" auf die fahne geschrieben. unkomplizierte atmosphäre - kühle drinks - coole location. wir freuen uns schon jetzt, dich an unserem nächsten event zu begrüssen! \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the drinks and links team are hosting another fab free networking event in zürich (http://drinksandlinks.com/netwoking-event-in-zuerich/). so make a resolution to save the date for a great night of networking and socialising. there is plenty of space to expand our group at a bar which boasts a great selection of drinks! see you there. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the "drinks and links"-team - now wer'e talking http://www.drinksandlinks.com
Drinks and Links - Networking in Zürich
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Zurich
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) zurich come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]