Fri, Feb 14th
Pop-up Store Lunch Limmat Atelier
pop-up store lunch limmat atelier
Hello 50:50 World in Zurich: Leaky pipeline - Fix the wo/men?
hello 50:50 world in zurich: leaky pipeline - fix the wo/men?
Tue, Feb 18th
Entrepreneurial Discussion Group
entrepreneurial discussion group join us for our weekly entrepreneurship networking and coffee. entrepreneurialism can be very challenging, in this meetup we help each other on the journey. share experience strengths and hope. we do not sell ore promote our products or services. the meeting starts at 8 am and introductions start at 8:15. look forward to seeing you there!
The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group
️ How to Escape the Play SaFe Trap w/ Julien Baudin - HoP @ Glady
️ how to escape the play safe trap w/ julien baudin - hop @ glady if you are feeling stuck in the rigid confines of the safe framework, keep reading. in this talk we'll offer a fresh perspective on breaking free from its constraints and embracing a more adaptable, value-driven approach. we'll dive into the challenges of safe implementation and present actionable strategies to regain agility without losing structure. ** schedule (cet)** 17:00 - 17:05 intros 17:05 - 18:00 presentation and q&a ** about the organizers** we're on a mission to help companies discover and deliver great products faster. we do this by empowering our community to share knowledge generously. through our consulting engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a product manager on an interim basis (3-12 months). we onboard fast, align teams, and deliver outcomes. join the conversation on [telegram.](https://t.me/getproductpeople) connect with us on[ linkedin.](https://www.linkedin.com/company/getproductpeople/) watch our [previous talks here.](https://www.youtube.com/c/productpeoplemanagement/) would you like to attend one of our in-person events? check the [calendar here.](https://lu.ma/productpeople) don't forget to [subscribe to our newsletter](https://getproductpeople.substack.com/) to be up-to-date with the latest product news. step up: do you want to speak at our next events? email speakers@getproductpeople.com
Product People Community
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Basel
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) basel come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master.** if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Bern
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) bern come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master.** if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Lausanne
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) lausanne come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Lucerne
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) lucerne come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master.** if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Wed, Feb 19th
HR Essentials Masterclass for scale-ups (6 employees or more) - 19.02.2025
hr essentials masterclass for scale-ups (6 employees or more) - 19.02.2025
Business Lobby Networking - Basel
business lobby networking - basel
Bitcoin Meetup Zürich
bitcoin meetup zürich *this event is local and held in german and english* **our casual bitcoin zurich meetup is for newcomers and veterans alike.** open discussion, no organised speakers or topics. feel free to discuss all sorts of bitcoin topics. please refrain from investment seeking, sales or unsolicited advertisement of any kind. we appreciate reliable people who show up when registered or cancel their registration when they change their mind ;-) the location manager of insider bar asks for reliable number of reservations. please maintain your registrations accordingly. thank you! *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** consumption to be paid at the bar individually. the bar team is orange pilled and take bitcoin tipps over lightning. **unser zwangloses bitcoin zürich meetup ist für neulinge und veteranen gleichermassen geeignet.** offene diskussion, keine organisierten redner oder themen. du kannst gerne über alle möglichen bitcoin-themen diskutieren. bitte unterlasse die suche nach investitionen, verkäufe oder unaufgeforderte werbung jeglicher art. wir freuen uns über verlässliche teilnehmer, die sich anmelden oder abmelden, wenn sie ihre meinung ändern ;-) der locationmanager der insider bar bittet um eine zuverlässige anzahl von reservierungen. bitte halte deine anmeldungen entsprechend aktuell. *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** der verzehr ist an der bar individuell zu bezahlen. das bar-team ist orange gepillt und nimmt bitcoin-tipps über lightning entgegen.
Bitcoin Switzerland
The Past, Present and Future of UI at GitHub (Joel Hawksley, GitHub)
the past, present and future of ui at github (joel hawksley, github) *remote presentation* joel hawksley is a staff software engineer at github, based in louisville, co, usa. he's the creator of [viewcomponent](https://github.com/github/view_component), a framework for building encapsulated, unit-testable view components in ruby on rails. in his talk, joel will share reflections from five years of ui architecture at github, focusing on three key lessons: *native is the new baseline*, *design systems are victims of their own success*, and *frontend costs 10x backend*. **what to expect:** * **a remote presentation** of about 30-45 minutes followed by a q&a session, * **networking with drinks and snacks:** after the presentation, join us for drinks and snacks. it's the perfect time to mingle, network, and dive deep into discussions about all things ruby, rails and more. * **open to everyone:** whether you're a seasoned rubyist, a rails enthusiast, or just beginning your journey as a developer, we warmly welcome you to join and contribute. ** meetup kindly sponsored by [rorvswild](rorvswild.com)!**
Thu, Feb 20th
Neos CMS - Monthly regulars' table in Zurich
neos cms - monthly regulars' table in zurich one (25') or two (12') talks, followed by cold beers and socializing. the best place to share unfiltered experiences and best practices. please contact the event organizer if you're interested to give a talk.
Neos CMS and Flow Framework Meetup Swiss
Founders Dinner: Zug 20.02.2025
founders dinner: zug 20.02.2025
Tue, Feb 25th
Entrepreneurial Discussion Group
entrepreneurial discussion group join us for our weekly entrepreneurship networking and coffee. entrepreneurialism can be very challenging, in this meetup we help each other on the journey. share experience strengths and hope. we do not sell ore promote our products or services. the meeting starts at 8 am and introductions start at 8:15. look forward to seeing you there!
The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group
How to Reduce CO2 from Home at Scale w/ Scott Williams - CPO @ Heatio
how to reduce co2 from home at scale w/ scott williams - cpo @ heatio how can you reduce your energy bills when the entire planet has gone insane? that's why scott is here. scott williams has been 25 years of building things. from scoot, ft, upmystreet, google, habito, azimo, kugu and heatio. ** schedule (cet)** 17:00 - 17:05 intros 17:05 - 18:00 presentation and q&a ** about the organizers** we're on a mission to help companies discover and deliver great products faster. we do this by empowering our community to share knowledge generously. through our consulting engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a product manager on an interim basis (3-12 months). we onboard fast, align teams, and deliver outcomes. join the conversation on [telegram.](https://t.me/getproductpeople) connect with us on[ linkedin.](https://www.linkedin.com/company/getproductpeople/) watch our [previous talks here.](https://www.youtube.com/c/productpeoplemanagement/) would you like to attend one of our in-person events? check the [calendar here.](https://lu.ma/productpeople) don't forget to [subscribe to our newsletter](https://getproductpeople.substack.com/) to be up-to-date with the latest product news. step up: do you want to speak at our next events? email speakers@getproductpeople.com
Product People Community
Networking-Event Drinks & Links in Zürich, Amboss Rampe
networking-event drinks & links in zürich, amboss rampe das "drinks und links"-team lädt dich zum nächsten networking-event in zürich ein. sich austauschen, innovative geschäftsideen besprechen, kontakte knüpfen oder einfach eine gute zeit haben - das haben wir uns von "drinks und links" auf die fahne geschrieben. unkomplizierte atmosphäre - kühle drinks - coole location. wir freuen uns schon jetzt, dich an unserem nächsten event zu begrüssen! \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the drinks and links team are hosting another fab free networking event in zürich (http://drinksandlinks.com/netwoking-event-in-zuerich/). so make a resolution to save the date for a great night of networking and socialising. there is plenty of space to expand our group at a bar which boasts a great selection of drinks! see you there. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the "drinks and links"-team - now wer'e talking http://www.drinksandlinks.com
Drinks and Links - Networking in Zürich
Cybernetic Governance & Democracy/DAO Democratizing Election Campaign Financing
cybernetic governance & democracy/dao democratizing election campaign financing **lecture series fall'25 ——** **"cybernetic governance & democracy"** by dr andrej zwitter professor at the university of groningen, netherlands **"democratizing election campaign financing with a dao"** by dr uwe serdült professor at ritsumeikan university, japan & pi at zda, uzh *co-organized by uzh blockchain center and dao suisse* **speaker:** dr andrej zwitter \| professor at university of groningen\, netherlands dr uwe serdült \| professor at ritsumeikan university\, japan & pi at zda\, uzh **when:** 25 february 2025 18:15-20:00 **where:** \[hybrid\] rai\-f\-041\, university of zürich\, rämistrasse 74\, 8006 zürich \| online via zoom **abstract for "cybernetic governance & democracy"** governance and regulation theories in political science and international relations must evolve to address the challenges of an increasingly digital society. rapid technological advancements—especially the convergence of digital, biological, and cybernetic systems exemplified by human augmentation—are outpacing traditional regulatory efforts. this accelerated convergence exposes a critical gap: existing ethical and legal frameworks struggle to accommodate the simultaneous emergence of multiple, often incompatible, governance paradigms. moreover, prevailing reductionist philosophies (e.g., tescrealism) may further predispose these convergences toward centralized, autocratic command and control systems. to address this gap, this presentation draws on insights from cybernetics—a field that has historically informed control theory yet remains underexplored within social and political sciences. by conceptualizing cybernetic governance as a flexible framework that emphasizes efficiency, coordination, and control, i examine how the intertwining processes of technological and governance convergence could reduce democratic freedoms in favor of more rigid normative regulation (what i term the “normierung des menschlichen”). ultimately, this analysis seeks to offer a novel perspective on the potential autocratic implications of digital transformation and to suggest pathways for integrating cybernetic principles into future governance frameworks. **author bio:** professor dr. andrej zwitter is professor of political theory and governance and chair of governance and innovation at the university of groningen, the netherlands. his research focuses on digital governance, big data ethics, and the political and legal challenges posed by technological change. he examines how digital transformation influences public policy, international relations, and humanitarian action. in addition to his research, prof. zwitter has contributed to academic program development as founding dean of the university college fryslân and by establishing the bsc programme in global responsibility and leadership. he also serves on several advisory boards and has been involved in a range of national and european research projects. his work offers a critical perspective on contemporary challenges in governance, emphasizing the need for robust frameworks to manage digitalization and its societal impacts. **abstract for "democratizing election campaign financing with a dao"** while elections are not the only factor, they are arguably one of the most important pillars for the functioning of liberal democracies. recent evidence from around the world shows that conducting free and fair elections is not a straightforward process. one perennial concern is the role of financial contributions to political campaigns. in the united states in particular, economists and legal scholars have proposed the use of vouchers to finance campaigns. taking the concept of campaign vouchers one step further into the realm of blockchain technology seems straightforward. however, one can also imagine discussing this idea as a dao. furthermore, it would be interesting to observe whether users exhibit altruistic behaviour, following principles of equality and fairness, or whether they follow a winner-takes-all mentality. for this talk, i will use recent survey data as an illustration. **author bio:** since april 2017 dr uwe serdült has been working as a professor at ritsumeikan university, japan, in the college of information science and engineering, while keeping some projects as a pi at the centre for democracy studies aarau (zda), university of zurich, switzerland. at ritsumeikan university, he is also running the digital governance systems lab ([https://dgovsys.org](https://dgovsys.org/ "https://dgovsys.org")). in this dual position, he teaches and does interdisciplinary research in several domains of digital democracy. he is particularly interested in internet-based platforms and tools for citizens (e-participation) as well as public administrations (e-government), enhancing transparency and deliberation in an information society.
UZH Blockchain Center
ChatGPT im Rechtswesen: Rechtsschriften und Zweitmeinungen mit KI
chatgpt im rechtswesen: rechtsschriften und zweitmeinungen mit ki **überblick**: sie möchten rechtstexte endlich selbst (mit-)gestalten oder suchen eine fundierte zweite meinung zu ihren juristischen fragen? entdecken sie die welt der künstlichen intelligenz im rechtsbereich. unter der leitung von unserem organisator & ki-experten alexander, einem pionier in der anwendung von ki im para-legalen bereich, bieten wir eine einzigartige kursserie an, die sowohl für laien als auch für fortgeschrittene geeignet ist. alexander organisiert bereits seit ende 2022 das führende monatliche meetup zu ki in der schweiz, ist ausgewiesener menschenrechtsexperte und hat grosse erfahrung im kanzleiwesen. was sie erwartet: * **praktisches lernen:** erstellung und bewertung von rechtstexten mit hilfe von chatgpt. * **innovation:** einblicke in die neuesten entwicklungen eigener gpts im rechtsbereich. * **interaktivität:** kleine gruppen für individuelles feedback und intensiven austausch. * **zugänglichkeit:** jede sitzung ist so gestaltet, dass teilnehmende jederzeit einsteigen können. **disclaimer:** wir übernehmen keine haftung für die richtigkeit und vollständigkeit der von uns bereitgestellten informationen. insbesondere ist der kurs keine rechtsberatung. die nutzung unserer angebote erfolgt auf eigene gefahr. ki-systeme entwickeln sich rasant weiter, sind aber nicht unfehlbar. **kursdetails:** * **termine:** jeden zweiten dienstag, 18:15 - 19:45 uhr * **dauer:** 1.5 stunden pro sitzung * **kosten:** chf 100.- pro person und sitzung, abo- und einführungspreis chf 80.- * **teilnehmer:** maximal 7 teilnehmer pro kurs, um die qualität und interaktion zu gewährleisten * **ort:** zürich city / see, genaue adresse wird nach anmeldung mitgeteilt * **laptop:** wir empfehlen, einen tragbaren computer mitzubringen. **referent:** alexander, lic. oec. hsg, experte und pionier im bereich ki und recht. **kursthemen (alle 14 tage anderer fokus):** * einführung in chatgpt und ki im rechtsbereich * grundlagen des juristischen schreibens mit ki * datenschutz und ki-ethik * vertragsrecht einfach gemacht * urheberrecht für kreative * familienrecht verständlich erklärt * arbeitsrecht in der ai-praxis * immobilienrecht für jedermann * erstellen von einsprachen und beschwerden * ki in der rechtsprechung und bei gerichtsentscheidungen * fortgeschrittene dokumentenanalyse mit ki * abschlusssitzung: ki-strategien für ihre rechtsfragen **anmeldung:** für eine anmeldung oder bei fragen kontaktieren sie uns bitte hier. die plätze sind begrenzt, um die qualität und das individuelle lernerlebnis zu gewährleisten. sichern sie sich ihren platz in dieser zukunftsweisenden kursserie. freundliche grüsse, alexander organisator zurich internet entrepreneurs meetup ki-anwendungs-experte
Zurich Internet Entrepreneurs Meetup
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Zug
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) zug come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Thu, Feb 27th
Navigating Data Protection - Key Regulations and Best Practices for Startup
navigating data protection - key regulations and best practices for startup
Building Inclusive Software: Integrating Accessibility from Design to Developmen
building inclusive software: integrating accessibility from design to developmen **about the event** as digital accessibility becomes increasingly important, ensuring that software is inclusive for all users is no longer optional. from web applications to mobile platforms, accessibility must be integrated at every stage of design and development. however, achieving this requires a shift in mindset, processes, and tools. we will explore how atomic design principles can help structure ios and android applications while embedding accessibility from the start. through practical examples and a live demo, we will demonstrate how to document and implement accessibility best practices early on, making it an integral part of software development rather than an afterthought. **what to expect** * a short presentations on integrating accessibility into software development using atomic design * a live android demo, demonstrating accessibility integration into development * how accessibility documentation can be embedded in the design-to-development handover * real-world insights into building accessible software * lessons learned from implementing accessibility at raiffeisen * an interactive mini-workshop on overcoming common challenges and implementing accessibility at scale **about the participants** [andrea bichsel](https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-bichsel-92845a2/) is head of experience design at raiffeisen, with expertise in ui/ux design, digital strategies, and accessible design. [ina kuhn ](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ina-kuhn/)is a software developer at raiffeisen, actively implementing accessibility in software development. **event language: the event will be held in english.** **location: https://ethz.ch/de/utils/location.html?building=chn** **room: chn e 46 – seminar / kursraum, 70 plätze**
UX Schweiz – Last Thursday Talks
Hackergarten February
hackergarten february we're planning the next hackergarten zurich we're looking forward to see some familiar faces and share knowledge within the open-source community. spread the word — everyone is welcome! bring your project, a bug, a feature, a question... or just your time and enthusiasm as always there will be free drinks, beer and pizza, sponsored by quatico. as usual we briefly present the open-source projects we'd like to work on, break up into groups and try to make an actual contribution. we offer free pizza, beverages and depending on weather conditions a great view on zurich west from the rooftop terrace. many thanks to quatico (https://www.quatico.com) for hosting the event!
Hackergarten Zürich
Tue, Mar 4th
Entrepreneurial Discussion Group
entrepreneurial discussion group join us for our weekly entrepreneurship networking and coffee. entrepreneurialism can be very challenging, in this meetup we help each other on the journey. share experience strengths and hope. we do not sell ore promote our products or services. the meeting starts at 8 am and introductions start at 8:15. look forward to seeing you there!
The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group
INNOtalk #11 "getFOUND - Smart rekrutieren & schnell die besten Talente finden"
innotalk #11 "getfound - smart rekrutieren & schnell die besten talente finden" **innotalk #11** presents "𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗙𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗗 – 𝗦𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗸𝗿𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗻!" «𝘝𝘰𝘯 10 𝘞𝘰𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘶𝘧 10 𝘛𝘢𝘨𝘦: 𝘞𝘪𝘦 𝘍𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘙𝘦𝘬𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘻𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘳𝘦��𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘳𝘵.» die suche nach qualifizierten fachkräften stellt insbesondere im tech-bereich eine grosse herausforderung dar, da traditionelle recruiting-methoden oft nicht (mehr) ausreichen, um diese zu bewältigen. **warum also nicht neue wege gehen?** found denkt den rekrutierungsprozess neu und kehrt die rollen um: unternehmen bewerben sich bei evaluierten kandidat:innen, die mitglied der found talent-community sind. im kommenden innotalk zeigen dir [ranjit de sousa](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ranjitdesousa/) und [niklas nyholm](https://www.linkedin.com/in/niklas-nyholm-92892325/), mitbegründer und cto von found, wie du deinen rekrutierungsprozess optimieren und die time-to-hire drastisch verkürzen kannst – von 10 wochen auf nur 10 tage. mit der plattform von found werden talente durch den einsatz von ki und gamifizierten assessments passgenau mit deinen anforderungen gematched – ganz ohne lange jobbeschreibungen, lebensläufe oder einen zeitraubenden bewerbungsmarathon. **entdecke, wie innovation deinen recruiting-prozess transformieren kann!** **warum solltest du an diesem innotalk teilnehmen?** * ***schneller & präziser rekrutieren:*** schau dir an, wie mit neurowissenschaftlichen tests genau die talente vorgeschlagen werden, die in bezug auf hard- und soft-skills zu dir passen – und das blitzschnell. * ***technologie, die das menschliche stärkt:*** entdecke, wie der rekrutierungsprozess, wo sinnvoll, digitalisiert und die «menschliche note» dort zum einsatz kommt, wo sie maximal mehrwert generiert. ethik und fairness stehen im fokus, um allen profilen gleiche chancen zu bieten. * ***inspirierende erfolgs-stories:*** finde heraus, wie unternehmen wie manpowergroup, beekeeper und properti ihre rekrutierungskosten signifikant gesenkt und die besten köpfe in kürzester zeit an bord geholt haben. * ***gemeinsam synergien schaffen:*** diskutiere mit der swissict-community und found über die grössten hr-herausforderungen der branche, entdecke bestehende lösungen und entwickle gemeinsam visionäre ansätze für die zukunft. **referenten** **[ranjit de sousa](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ranjitdesousa/)** ***ceo & co-founder bei found*** ranjit de sousa ist mitgründer des startups found (getfound.io) und verfügt über eine mehrjährige erfahrung in der leitung globaler hr-organisationen sowie im aufbau von unternehmen. ranjit war zuletzt global president von lhh, einem unternehmen mit 5’000 mitarbeitenden und einem jahresumsatz von über 500 mio. usd. ranjit ist neben seiner tätigkeit bei found mitglied des verwaltungsrates bzw. non-executive director in verschiedenen technologieunternehmen. seine leidenschaft gilt go-to-market-strategien, innovation, talentmanagement und dem thema "future of work”. mit seiner umfassenden expertise fördert ranjit transformative entwicklungen und treibt innovationen in unterschiedlichsten branchen und bereichen voran. **[niklas nyholm](https://www.linkedin.com/in/niklas-nyholm-92892325/)** ***cto & co-founder bei found*** niklas nyholm ist cto und mitgründer des startups found (getfound.io). niklas bringt umfangreiche erfahrung aus der startup- und scaleup-szene mit und hatte eine führende rolle als tech-lead bei den global tätigen unternehmen smallpdf und beekeeper. niklas ist leidenschaftlich an technologie, daten, sprachmodellen und am aufbau skalierbarer technischer architekturen interessiert. bei found ist es sein ziel, die perfekte synthese zwischen technologie und dem menschlichen faktor zu schaffen. **details** ️ datum und uhrzeit: **dienstag, 04. märz 2025 / 09:00 – 11:30 h** ort: **[swissict](https://www.swissict.ch/kontakt/) in zh-altstetten** **agenda** *08.30 – 09:00 h:* eintreffen am veranstaltungsort, kaffee & gipfeli *09:00 – 09:15 h:* start der veranstaltung mit einer begrüssung durch swissict und swissict fachgruppen ‘innovation’ & ‘sourcing & cloud’ *09:15 – 10:15 h:* referenzvortrag „getfound – smart rekrutieren und schnell die besten talente finden“ von ranjit de sousa, ceo & co-founder bei found & niklas nyholm, co-founder & cto bei found inklusive interaktiver fragerunde *10:15 – 11:30 h:* diskussion & networking *11:30 h:* ende der veranstaltung **zielgruppe & sprache** * offene veranstaltung für alle interessierten personen am thema, insbesondere hr- und ta-führungskräfte, führungskräfte im digitalen bereich (chief digital officer / head digital / chief transformation officer / head transformation / chief innovation officer / head innovation / cio / cto) und alle, die sich für innovative talentakquise interessieren. * referat in deutscher und sprache. fragen können sehr gerne auch in englisch gestellt werden. **veranstalter** moderatorenteam der [swissict fachgruppe innovation](https://www.swissict.ch/professional-group/innovation/) ([violeta lozano](https://www.linkedin.com/in/violeta-lozano-roxstar/), [dr. harald bader](https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-harald-bader-830365114/)) sowie der [swissict fachgruppe sourcing and cloud](https://www.swissict.ch/professional-group/sourcing-cloud/) ([tania rebuzzi](https://www.linkedin.com/in/tania-rebuzzi/), [fabian ricklin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/fabian-ricklin-930b5657/) & geschäftsstelle [swissict](https://www.linkedin.com/company/swissict/) ([carol lechner](https://www.linkedin.com/in/carol-lechner-1181aa25/)) in kooperation mit [found](https://www.linkedin.com/company/join-found/).
Fachgruppe | Professional Group Innovation SwissICT
Understanding Digital Product Development w/ Ahmad Ali Nasir
understanding digital product development w/ ahmad ali nasir ready to understand what product management and product ways of working? join us in the journey a product takes from concept to launch and iterative development. ** schedule (cet)** 17:00 - 17:05 intros 17:05 - 18:00 presentation and q&a ** about the organizers** we're on a mission to help companies discover and deliver great products faster. we do this by empowering our community to share knowledge generously. through our consulting engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a product manager on an interim basis (3-12 months). we onboard fast, align teams, and deliver outcomes. join the conversation on [telegram.](https://t.me/getproductpeople) connect with us on[ linkedin.](https://www.linkedin.com/company/getproductpeople/) watch our [previous talks here.](https://www.youtube.com/c/productpeoplemanagement/) would you like to attend one of our in-person events? check the [calendar here.](https://lu.ma/productpeople) don't forget to [subscribe to our newsletter](https://getproductpeople.substack.com/) to be up-to-date with the latest product news. step up: do you want to speak at our next events? email [speakers@getproductpeople.com](http://speakers@getproductpeople.com/)
Product People Community
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Chur
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) chur come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Geneva
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) geneva come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Wed, Mar 5th
«Feature Teams» - ein Erfolgsfaktor in komplexen Softwarenprojekten der SIX
«feature teams» - ein erfolgsfaktor in komplexen softwarenprojekten der six bei **six financial information** verwenden wir den skalierten agilen prozess safe für alle unsere softwareentwicklungen. in safe gibt das entwicklungsteam den business-stakeholdern alle drei monate nach einer gemeinsamen planung die zusage, dass die erarbeiteten features innerhalb dieses zeitraums umgesetzt werden. ein häufiges muster bei verpassten terminen oder unzufriedenen business-stakeholdern sind nicht ausreichend vorbereitete features und user stories. auf den ersten blick scheinen detaillierte spezifikationen im agilen vorgehen ein widerspruch zu sein. doch bei grossen und komplexen softwareentwicklungen sind gut vorbereitete features und user stories aus meiner erfahrung ein schlüssel zum erfolg – feature teams spielen dabei eine zentrale rolle. innerhalb eines entwicklungsteams entwickelten wir das konzept des feature teams, das ich in den letzten fünf jahren erfolgreich in verschiedenen safe-projekten bei six eingesetzt habe. **ein feature team bindet alle wichtigen stakeholder kollaborativ in die vorbereitung ein** – als ideengeber, zur realistischen problembeschreibung, zum frühzeitigen erkennen technischer limitationen und um sicherzustellen, dass alle relevanten personen an bord sind. zusätzlich verwende ich elemente aus design thinking, die sich besonders in der phase der feature-vorbereitung als hilfreich erwiesen haben. das konzept ist einfach zu verstehen, aber die umsetzung in der praxis oft herausfordernd. das ziel ist stets: die business-stakeholder müssen der geplanten lösung vor der implementierung zustimmen, und die entwickler sollen gut vorbereitete user stories erhalten, damit sie sich voll auf die implementierung konzentrieren können. \-\-\- [fabian meier](https://www.linkedin.com/in/fmeier1/) arbeitet seit fünf jahren als requirements engineer bei six financial information. zuvor war er in verschiedenen high-tech-branchen in den rollen als entwickler, architekt, projektleiter und requirements engineer tätig – darunter vier jahre im silicon valley sowie in fünf startups. in seiner laufbahn war er an der entwicklung von über 20 produkten beteiligt, von der ersten idee bis zur markteinführung. fabian hat einen fachhochschulabschluss (ost, rapperswil) sowie einen master of science (northwestern university, chicago, usa), beide in electrical engineering.
Agile Breakfast Zürich von swissICT
EO Accelerator Info Session
eo accelerator info session the mission of the eo accelerator is to empower entrepreneurs with the **tools, community and accountability** to aggressively grow and master their business. we are pleased that you are interested in our program and hope you were able to get a first impression on our website www.eoaccelerator.ch. our program is aimed at all young entrepreneurs who want to catapult their business to the next level and already have more than **$250,000 in revenue** **or** have received **$1 million in funding**. in order to tell you more about the program, we would like to invite you to one of our virtual info sessions. we look forward to getting to know you. **please register on [eventbrite](https://www.eventbrite.ch/e/479826242207), a registration on meetup is not sufficient.** about eo: the entrepreneurs' organisation (eo) is an exclusive community of successful founders with over $1 million in revenue. the local chapters run confidential forums, organize events and provide executive education in order to support entrepreneurs in business, private, and family life.
Swiss Startups Club
Accelerating HealthTech market-success with KAPSLY
accelerating healthtech market-success with kapsly join our monthly info sessions to discover how kapsly ventures is revolutionizing the startup journey for healthtech founders. benefit from: * access to a vetted network of service providers dedicated to healthtech startups, ensuring professional execution and reduced operational risks. * hands-on support from industry experts to accelerate your time to market and increase your success chances. * connection to a network of investors through our partner organization medkap, opening doors to funding opportunities. learn how kapsly ventures democratizes the venture studio model, providing fair compensation options and streamlined project management. bring your co-founders and explore how to optimize your startup journey with kapsly ventures. please register through [eventbrite](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/516544096297?aff=oddtdtcreator). the info sessions mark the the first step in our journey with you. afterwards we are happy to take a 1-1 call and discuss your needs individually.
Swiss Startups Club
Founders Dinner Zurich - 05.03.2025
founders dinner zurich - 05.03.2025
Bitcoin Meetup Zürich
bitcoin meetup zürich *this event is local and held in german and english* **our casual bitcoin zurich meetup is for newcomers and veterans alike.** open discussion, no organised speakers or topics. feel free to discuss all sorts of bitcoin topics. please refrain from investment seeking, sales or unsolicited advertisement of any kind. we appreciate reliable people who show up when registered or cancel their registration when they change their mind ;-) the location manager of insider bar asks for reliable number of reservations. please maintain your registrations accordingly. thank you! *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** consumption to be paid at the bar individually. the bar team is orange pilled and take bitcoin tipps over lightning. **unser zwangloses bitcoin zürich meetup ist für neulinge und veteranen gleichermassen geeignet.** offene diskussion, keine organisierten redner oder themen. du kannst gerne über alle möglichen bitcoin-themen diskutieren. bitte unterlasse die suche nach investitionen, verkäufe oder unaufgeforderte werbung jeglicher art. wir freuen uns über verlässliche teilnehmer, die sich anmelden oder abmelden, wenn sie ihre meinung ändern ;-) der locationmanager der insider bar bittet um eine zuverlässige anzahl von reservierungen. bitte halte deine anmeldungen entsprechend aktuell. *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** der verzehr ist an der bar individuell zu bezahlen. das bar-team ist orange gepillt und nimmt bitcoin-tipps über lightning entgegen.
Bitcoin Switzerland
Tue, Mar 11th
Building Products with Purpose w/ Goutham Joshi-VP Product @ Sprouts AI
building products with purpose w/ goutham joshi-vp product @ sprouts ai what if the products we build could change lives, not just bottom lines? ** schedule (cet)** 17:00 - 17:05 intros 17:05 - 18:00 presentation and q&a ** about the organizers** we're on a mission to help companies discover and deliver great products faster. we do this by empowering our community to share knowledge generously. through our consulting engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a product manager on an interim basis (3-12 months). we onboard fast, align teams, and deliver outcomes. join the conversation on [telegram.](https://t.me/getproductpeople) connect with us on[ linkedin.](https://www.linkedin.com/company/getproductpeople/) watch our [previous talks here.](https://www.youtube.com/c/productpeoplemanagement/) would you like to attend one of our in-person events? check the [calendar here.](https://lu.ma/productpeople) don't forget to [subscribe to our newsletter](https://getproductpeople.substack.com/) to be up-to-date with the latest product news. step up: do you want to speak at our next events? email [speakers@getproductpeople.com](http://speakers@getproductpeople.com/)
Product People Community
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Zurich
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) zurich come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Wed, Mar 12th
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Lausanne
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) lausanne come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
tba presentation tba **what to expect:** * **a presentation** of about 30-45 minutes * **networking with drinks and snacks:** after the presentation, join us for drinks and snacks. it's the perfect time to mingle, network, and dive deep into discussions about all things ruby, rails and more. * **open to everyone:** whether you're a seasoned rubyist, a rails enthusiast, or just beginning your journey as a developer, we warmly welcome you to join and contribute. ** meetup kindly sponsored by [rorvswild](rorvswild.com)!**
Tue, Mar 18th
️ Tech for Humans: Balancing AI, Web3 & User Experience - Marija Riba
️ tech for humans: balancing ai, web3 & user experience - marija riba in the race to adopt innovative technologies like blockchain or ai, companies often risk alienating their users by prioritizing trends over meaningful solutions. this talk explores the tension between innovation and user experience, using real-world lessons from the fintech and saas industries. ** schedule (cet)** 17:00 - 17:05 intros 17:05 - 18:00 presentation and q&a ** about the organizers** we're on a mission to help companies discover and deliver great products faster. we do this by empowering our community to share knowledge generously. through our consulting engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a product manager on an interim basis (3-12 months). we onboard fast, align teams, and deliver outcomes. join the conversation on [telegram.](https://t.me/getproductpeople) connect with us on[ linkedin.](https://www.linkedin.com/company/getproductpeople/) watch our [previous talks here.](https://www.youtube.com/c/productpeoplemanagement/) would you like to attend one of our in-person events? check the [calendar here.](https://lu.ma/productpeople) don't forget to [subscribe to our newsletter](https://getproductpeople.substack.com/) to be up-to-date with the latest product news. step up: do you want to speak at our next events? email [speakers@getproductpeople.com](http://speakers@getproductpeople.com/)
Product People Community
Networking-Event Drinks & Links in Zürich, Amboss Rampe
networking-event drinks & links in zürich, amboss rampe das "drinks und links"-team lädt dich zum nächsten networking-event in zürich ein. sich austauschen, innovative geschäftsideen besprechen, kontakte knüpfen oder einfach eine gute zeit haben - das haben wir uns von "drinks und links" auf die fahne geschrieben. unkomplizierte atmosphäre - kühle drinks - coole location. wir freuen uns schon jetzt, dich an unserem nächsten event zu begrüssen! \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the drinks and links team are hosting another fab free networking event in zürich (http://drinksandlinks.com/netwoking-event-in-zuerich/). so make a resolution to save the date for a great night of networking and socialising. there is plenty of space to expand our group at a bar which boasts a great selection of drinks! see you there. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the "drinks and links"-team - now wer'e talking http://www.drinksandlinks.com
Drinks and Links - Networking in Zürich
Wed, Mar 19th
Business Lobby Networking - Basel
business lobby networking - basel
Bitcoin Meetup Zürich
bitcoin meetup zürich *this event is local and held in german and english* **our casual bitcoin zurich meetup is for newcomers and veterans alike.** open discussion, no organised speakers or topics. feel free to discuss all sorts of bitcoin topics. please refrain from investment seeking, sales or unsolicited advertisement of any kind. we appreciate reliable people who show up when registered or cancel their registration when they change their mind ;-) the location manager of insider bar asks for reliable number of reservations. please maintain your registrations accordingly. thank you! *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** consumption to be paid at the bar individually. the bar team is orange pilled and take bitcoin tipps over lightning. **unser zwangloses bitcoin zürich meetup ist für neulinge und veteranen gleichermassen geeignet.** offene diskussion, keine organisierten redner oder themen. du kannst gerne über alle möglichen bitcoin-themen diskutieren. bitte unterlasse die suche nach investitionen, verkäufe oder unaufgeforderte werbung jeglicher art. wir freuen uns über verlässliche teilnehmer, die sich anmelden oder abmelden, wenn sie ihre meinung ändern ;-) der locationmanager der insider bar bittet um eine zuverlässige anzahl von reservierungen. bitte halte deine anmeldungen entsprechend aktuell. *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** der verzehr ist an der bar individuell zu bezahlen. das bar-team ist orange gepillt und nimmt bitcoin-tipps über lightning entgegen.
Bitcoin Switzerland
Wed, Mar 26th
Employee Incentive Plans for Startups: Motivating and Retaining Talent
employee incentive plans for startups: motivating and retaining talent
Founders Dinner Winterthur 26.03.2025
founders dinner winterthur 26.03.2025
Tue, Apr 8th
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Chur
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) chur come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Geneva
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) geneva come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Tue, Apr 15th
Networking-Event Drinks & Links in Zürich, Amboss Rampe
networking-event drinks & links in zürich, amboss rampe das "drinks und links"-team lädt dich zum nächsten networking-event in zürich ein. sich austauschen, innovative geschäftsideen besprechen, kontakte knüpfen oder einfach eine gute zeit haben - das haben wir uns von "drinks und links" auf die fahne geschrieben. unkomplizierte atmosphäre - kühle drinks - coole location. wir freuen uns schon jetzt, dich an unserem nächsten event zu begrüssen! \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the drinks and links team are hosting another fab free networking event in zürich (http://drinksandlinks.com/netwoking-event-in-zuerich/). so make a resolution to save the date for a great night of networking and socialising. there is plenty of space to expand our group at a bar which boasts a great selection of drinks! see you there. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the "drinks and links"-team - now wer'e talking http://www.drinksandlinks.com
Drinks and Links - Networking in Zürich
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Zurich
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) zurich come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Tue, Apr 22nd
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Bern
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) bern come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master.** if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Basel
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) basel come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master.** if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Lausanne
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) lausanne come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Lucerne
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) lucerne come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master.** if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]