Sun, Mar 30th
CoderDojo Zurich
coderdojo zurich alle junge programmierer sind bei uns willkommen. sie können ihren allerersten code schreiben oder an ihren eigenen projekten weiterarbeiten und neues ausprobieren. [*** english text below ***] bitte denkt daran: das dojo ist für die ninjas gedacht. sie entscheiden, was sie machen und lernen wollen. wir mentoren sorgen dafür, dass es allen spass macht und dass sie weiterkommen. jeder teilnehmer sollte folgendes mitbringen: - einen laptop pro ninja: - mit vollem akku oder netzkabel, - die tastatur entspricht der spracheinstellung (das was auf der taste steht erscheint auf dem bildschirm). - wenn möglich eine maus. - etwas zu essen und zu trinken für die kurze pause. kinder bis 12 müssen von einem elternteil oder einem anderen, begeisterten erwachsenen begleitet werden. falls du keinen laptop besitzt, können wir dir einen für die dauer des workshops zur verfügung stellen. bitte kontaktiere uns im voraus, damit wir es vorbereiten können. wir sprechen verschiedene sprachen, komm also einfach vorbei! !!! wir sind auf twitter: @coderdojozh (https://twitter.com/coderdojozh) !!! [*** english text ***] new coders are welcome to explore different coding programs and games. regulars are welcome to carry on with projects and programs that they started on, or try something different. remember: it is the children's dojo; they decide what they want to do and learn and mentors are there to support them to have fun doing that. everyone, including the accompanying parents, should bring: • a snack and drink • a working laptop with a keyboard they can 'read' (i.e. the keys correspond to what appears on screen) and preferably a mouse that they can operate. children 12 years and under should be accompanied by a parent or other enthusiastic adult (who is also encouraged to bring his or her laptop and play & program, too.) if you don't have a laptop, we can organize one for the coderdojo duration. please contact us at least a week earlier, so we can prepare. we speak all the languages, so feel free to join;) !!!follow us on twitter: @coderdojozh (https://twitter.com/coderdojozh)!!! visit our page http://coderdojozh.github.io you can find there a small list of frequently asked questions and download the scratch booklets with games used during coderdojo.
CoderDojo Zurich
Digital Detox Café
digital detox café **find out more [here](https://www.meetup.com/digital-detox-zurich/events/306643762/?eventorigin=group_upcoming_events)** **working in tech means being always connected—but is screen time taking over?** join our **digital detox café**, hosted by **digital detox zürich** with support from **product academy**—a phone-free space where you can unplug, recharge, and connect in real life. **optional workshops**: rethink digital habits & explore mindful productivity **zones to explore**: creative corner, deep talk den & game zone **perks**: drink included take a break from endless notifications and connect with like-minded peers beyond the screen.
Product Academy Switzerland
Tue, Apr 1st
Entrepreneurial Discussion Group
entrepreneurial discussion group join us for our weekly entrepreneurship networking and coffee. entrepreneurialism can be very challenging, in this meetup we help each other on the journey. share experience strengths and hope. we do not sell ore promote our products or services. the meeting starts at 8 am and introductions start at 8:15. look forward to seeing you there!
The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group
Probabilistic Thinking for Product Managers w/ Martin Stahl
probabilistic thinking for product managers w/ martin stahl dealing with high uncertainty, low-quality data, and intransparent decision-making? thinking in bets and scenarios is a helpful competence that we want to discuss here. ** schedule (cet)** 17:00 - 17:05 intros 17:05 - 18:00 presentation and q&a ** about the organizers** we're on a mission to help companies discover and deliver great products faster. we do this by empowering our community to share knowledge generously. through our consulting engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a product manager on an interim basis (3-12 months). we onboard fast, align teams, and deliver outcomes. join the conversation on [telegram.](https://t.me/getproductpeople) connect with us on[ linkedin.](https://www.linkedin.com/company/getproductpeople/) watch our [previous talks here.](https://www.youtube.com/c/productpeoplemanagement/) would you like to attend one of our in-person events? check the [calendar here.](https://lu.ma/productpeople) don't forget to [subscribe to our newsletter](https://getproductpeople.substack.com/) to be up-to-date with the latest product news. step up: do you want to speak at our next events? email [speakers@getproductpeople.com](http://speakers@getproductpeople.com/)
Product People Community
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Geneva
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) geneva come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Wed, Apr 2nd
Eine Organisationskultur der Veränderung bei Switch
eine organisationskultur der veränderung bei switch [switch](https://www.switch.ch) ist die hüterin des internets in der schweiz, verwalterin der .ch-domäne und öffentlich-rechtliche anbieterin sicherer, zuverlässiger internet-infrastrukturen für die schweizer hochschulen. seit 1987 bewegt sich die stiftung unter ständig wechselnden herausforderungen an der spitze der technologischen entwicklung. die anforderungen an die zusammenarbeit sind daher hoch. denn technologie alleine reicht nicht aus, um bildung und forschung sicher in die digitale zukunft zu führen – es braucht eine organisationskultur, die veränderung unterstützt, vertrauen schafft und nachhaltige innovation ermöglicht. die selbstverantwortung ist dabei entscheidender faktor: nur wenn die mitarbeitenden die organisation aktiv mitgestalten und verantwortung übernehmen, kann echte transformation gelingen. von genau dieser transformation wird stephanie uns berichten – hin zu einer kultur der veränderungsbereitschaft, des vertrauens und der selbstverantwortung. ⊕⊕⊕ [stephanie kunzelmann](https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephanie-kunzelmann-96519631) prägt seit mehr als 10 jahren als head people & culture die zusammenarbeitskultur der switch. seit über vier jahren trägt sie gemeinsam mit dem ceo der switch die verantwortung für die kulturelle transformation des unternehmens und steuert diesen prozess gezielt. stephanie hatte in verschiedenen branchen hr leadership rollen inne. sie hat einen fachhochschuhlabschluss in betriebswirtschaft und einen master in human ressources.
Agile Breakfast Zürich von swissICT
EO Accelerator Info Session
eo accelerator info session the mission of the eo accelerator is to empower entrepreneurs with the **tools, community and accountability** to aggressively grow and master their business. we are pleased that you are interested in our program and hope you were able to get a first impression on our website www.eoaccelerator.ch. our program is aimed at all young entrepreneurs who want to catapult their business to the next level and already have more than **$250,000 in revenue** **or** have received **$1 million in funding**. in order to tell you more about the program, we would like to invite you to one of our virtual info sessions. we look forward to getting to know you. **please register on [eventbrite](https://www.eventbrite.ch/e/479826242207), a registration on meetup is not sufficient.** about eo: the entrepreneurs' organisation (eo) is an exclusive community of successful founders with over $1 million in revenue. the local chapters run confidential forums, organize events and provide executive education in order to support entrepreneurs in business, private, and family life.
Swiss Startups Club
Accelerating HealthTech market-success with KAPSLY
accelerating healthtech market-success with kapsly join our monthly info sessions to discover how kapsly ventures is revolutionizing the startup journey for healthtech founders. benefit from: * access to a vetted network of service providers dedicated to healthtech startups, ensuring professional execution and reduced operational risks. * hands-on support from industry experts to accelerate your time to market and increase your success chances. * connection to a network of investors through our partner organization medkap, opening doors to funding opportunities. learn how kapsly ventures democratizes the venture studio model, providing fair compensation options and streamlined project management. bring your co-founders and explore how to optimize your startup journey with kapsly ventures. please register through [eventbrite](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/516544096297?aff=oddtdtcreator). the info sessions mark the the first step in our journey with you. afterwards we are happy to take a 1-1 call and discuss your needs individually.
Swiss Startups Club
Bitcoin Meetup Zürich
bitcoin meetup zürich *this event is local and held in german and english* **our casual bitcoin zurich meetup is for newcomers and veterans alike.** open discussion, no organised speakers or topics. feel free to discuss all sorts of bitcoin topics. please refrain from investment seeking, sales or unsolicited advertisement of any kind. we appreciate reliable people who show up when registered or cancel their registration when they change their mind ;-) the location manager of insider bar asks for reliable number of reservations. please maintain your registrations accordingly. thank you! *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** consumption to be paid at the bar individually. the bar team is orange pilled and take bitcoin tipps over lightning. **unser zwangloses bitcoin zürich meetup ist für neulinge und veteranen gleichermassen geeignet.** offene diskussion, keine organisierten redner oder themen. du kannst gerne über alle möglichen bitcoin-themen diskutieren. bitte unterlasse die suche nach investitionen, verkäufe oder unaufgeforderte werbung jeglicher art. wir freuen uns über verlässliche teilnehmer, die sich anmelden oder abmelden, wenn sie ihre meinung ändern ;-) der locationmanager der insider bar bittet um eine zuverlässige anzahl von reservierungen. bitte halte deine anmeldungen entsprechend aktuell. *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* don't be a no show ! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** der verzehr ist an der bar individuell zu bezahlen. das bar-team ist orange gepillt und nimmt bitcoin-tipps über lightning entgegen.
Bitcoin Switzerland
Tue, Apr 8th
Entrepreneurial Discussion Group
entrepreneurial discussion group join us for our weekly entrepreneurship networking and coffee. entrepreneurialism can be very challenging, in this meetup we help each other on the journey. share experience strengths and hope. we do not sell ore promote our products or services. the meeting starts at 8 am and introductions start at 8:15. look forward to seeing you there!
The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group
Lunch and Learn: Navigating AI Regulations
lunch and learn: navigating ai regulations
Platform Power-Up: From Product Thinking to Platform Success
platform power-up: from product thinking to platform success explore the evolution from product thinking, focused on solving specific user problems with standalone solutions, to platform thinking, which builds interconnected ecosystems that enable value creation and scaling across multiple stakeholders. anastasiia will discuss the critical skills needed for successful platform development, such as systems thinking, cross-functional collaboration, and designing for extensibility. ** schedule (cet)** 17:00 - 17:05 intros 17:05 - 18:00 presentation and q&a ** about the organizers** we're on a mission to help companies discover and deliver great products faster. we do this by empowering our community to share knowledge generously. through our consulting engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a product manager on an interim basis (3-12 months). we onboard fast, align teams, and deliver outcomes. join the conversation on [telegram.](https://t.me/getproductpeople) connect with us on[ linkedin.](https://www.linkedin.com/company/getproductpeople/) watch our [previous talks here.](https://www.youtube.com/c/productpeoplemanagement/) would you like to attend one of our in-person events? check the [calendar here.](https://lu.ma/productpeople) don't forget to [subscribe to our newsletter](https://getproductpeople.substack.com/) to be up-to-date with the latest product news. step up: do you want to speak at our next events? email [speakers@getproductpeople.com](http://speakers@getproductpeople.com/)
Product People Community
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Sargans
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) sargans come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Wed, Apr 9th
Fail night for product people
fail night for product people this time, the spotlight shines on three courageous speakers who will share the challenges they've faced in their product management journey and the valuable lessons they've learned along the way. stefano brunelli (ai product strategist & independent researcher, ex-youtube) alex wattrelos (cpo at furious squad) you can apply to be a speaker! https://forms.gle/vdbdgifsjsvspiyy8 ready to accelerate your own learning curve? we are looking forward to meeting you for these three condensed talks and our additional q&a + networking. thanks to our sponsor **[airfocus](https://airfocus.com/)**[ ](https://airfocus.com/)for making this event possible! airfocus is the most flexible and scalable product management platform for modern teams. designed to help organizations streamline workflows, prioritize what matters, and align efforts across teams, airfocus empowers product professionals to overcome complexity and build better products. hosted at **[spaces](https://www.spacesworks.com/zurich/?cust_source=google&cust_medium=cpc&cust_source_platform=google&cust_campaign=ch+%3e+en+%3e+brand+%3e+sm+%3e+spaces+%3e+brand&cust_adgroup=brand+%3e+zurich&cust_term=spaces+bleicherweg&gad_source=1&gbraid=0aaaaadld3zh6amugw4_d1jsoyuprloxub&gclid=cj0kcqjw7dm-bhcoarisalfk4v9vslhva6gjxs4njv6uiyrgbctjykcep828oycir_8aezy26n1l6l4aao9eealw_wcb&gclsrc=aw.ds) – creative co-working**, providing an inspiring space for innovation, networking, and real talk on product failures.
Product Academy Switzerland
IoT Day 2025 Meetup at FabLab Zürich
iot day 2025 meetup at fablab zürich we're celebrating #iotday 2025. everybody is welcome! (https://www.iotday.org/ is a global bottom-up initiative, started by https://twitter.com/robvank & https://twitter.com/trevor_harwood) a self-organising event will take place at fablab zürich zimmerlistrasse 6, 8004 zürich, switzerland 19:00 apéro 19:30 fablab tour 20:00 show & tell\* 20:30 discussion 21:00 wrap-up \*which iot project or hardware are you excited about?
IoT Zurich
D. Delallée: How to release in production 5 times a day while enjoying the apero
d. delallée: how to release in production 5 times a day while enjoying the apero at qoqa, we deploy several times a day, and every backend developer can deploy to production. we are also a bit lazy, so we try to optimize the process to be as simple as possible. the result: the developer in charge of the releases only discusses with a bot to make all deployment and, all steps of the process are easily accessible through slack to let everyone understand what happened and see what arrived in production. let's see together how it works. ps: if you love trains, you will be pleased with this presentation. **what to expect:** * **a presentation** of about 30-45 minutes * **networking with drinks and snacks:** after the presentation, join us for drinks and snacks. it's the perfect time to mingle, network, and dive deep into discussions about all things ruby, rails and more. * **open to everyone:** whether you're a seasoned rubyist, a rails enthusiast, or just beginning your journey as a developer, we warmly welcome you to join and contribute. ** event supported by [rorvswild](rorvswild.com) and [ruby central](https://rubycentral.org/)**
Tue, Apr 15th
Entrepreneurial Discussion Group
entrepreneurial discussion group join us for our weekly entrepreneurship networking and coffee. entrepreneurialism can be very challenging, in this meetup we help each other on the journey. share experience strengths and hope. we do not sell ore promote our products or services. the meeting starts at 8 am and introductions start at 8:15. look forward to seeing you there!
The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group
Life, But Make It Product-Managed w/ Milos Belcevic - HoP @ Feldspar
life, but make it product-managed w/ milos belcevic - hop @ feldspar great products don’t happen by accident — neither does a great life. learn how to apply product management best practices to test ideas, pivot with purpose, navigate uncertainty, and actually ship progress. ** schedule (cet)** 17:00 - 17:05 intros 17:05 - 18:00 presentation and q&a ** about the organizers** we're on a mission to help companies discover and deliver great products faster. we do this by empowering our community to share knowledge generously. through our consulting engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a product manager on an interim basis (3-12 months). we onboard fast, align teams, and deliver outcomes. join the conversation on [telegram.](https://t.me/getproductpeople) connect with us on[ linkedin.](https://www.linkedin.com/company/getproductpeople/) watch our [previous talks here.](https://www.youtube.com/c/productpeoplemanagement/) would you like to attend one of our in-person events? check the [calendar here.](https://lu.ma/productpeople) don't forget to [subscribe to our newsletter](https://getproductpeople.substack.com/) to be up-to-date with the latest product news. step up: do you want to speak at our next events? email [speakers@getproductpeople.com](http://speakers@getproductpeople.com/)
Product People Community
Networking-Event Drinks & Links in Zürich, Amboss Rampe
networking-event drinks & links in zürich, amboss rampe das "drinks und links"-team lädt dich zum nächsten networking-event in zürich ein. sich austauschen, innovative geschäftsideen besprechen, kontakte knüpfen oder einfach eine gute zeit haben - das haben wir uns von "drinks und links" auf die fahne geschrieben. unkomplizierte atmosphäre - kühle drinks - coole location. wir freuen uns schon jetzt, dich an unserem nächsten event zu begrüssen! \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the drinks and links team are hosting another fab free networking event in zürich (http://drinksandlinks.com/netwoking-event-in-zuerich/). so make a resolution to save the date for a great night of networking and socialising. there is plenty of space to expand our group at a bar which boasts a great selection of drinks! see you there. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the "drinks and links"-team - now wer'e talking http://www.drinksandlinks.com
Drinks and Links - Networking in Zürich
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Zurich
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) zurich come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Tue, Apr 22nd
Entrepreneurial Discussion Group
entrepreneurial discussion group join us for our weekly entrepreneurship networking and coffee. entrepreneurialism can be very challenging, in this meetup we help each other on the journey. share experience strengths and hope. we do not sell ore promote our products or services. the meeting starts at 8 am and introductions start at 8:15. look forward to seeing you there!
The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group
Stay Hungry: You Can Be A PM In Any Industry w/ Eva Gao @ AMCS Group
stay hungry: you can be a pm in any industry w/ eva gao @ amcs group three years ago, eva joined a saas company focused on occupational health and safety, and faced a steep learning curve coming from intralogistics. just as she gained confidence after a year, she shifted to incident management, starting the learning process anew. after navigating that challenge, she transitioned into sustainability and esg. changing subjects three times in less than three years has taught her valuable lessons that she's here to share. eva gao is a product leader in enterprise b2b saas who enjoys the challenge of turning software functionalities into commercial success. complemented by a passion for sharing, she reflects on real world stories of product strategy, leadership, and team collaboration in blog articles and talks. ** schedule (cet)** 17:00 - 17:05 intros 17:05 - 18:00 presentation and q&a ** about the organizers** we're on a mission to help companies discover and deliver great products faster. we do this by empowering our community to share knowledge generously. through our consulting engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a product manager on an interim basis (3-12 months). we onboard fast, align teams, and deliver outcomes. join the conversation on [telegram.](https://t.me/getproductpeople) connect with us on[ linkedin.](https://www.linkedin.com/company/getproductpeople/) watch our [previous talks here.](https://www.youtube.com/c/productpeoplemanagement/) would you like to attend one of our in-person events? check the [calendar here.](https://lu.ma/productpeople) don't forget to [subscribe to our newsletter](https://getproductpeople.substack.com/) to be up-to-date with the latest product news. step up: do you want to speak at our next events? email [speakers@getproductpeople.com](http://speakers@getproductpeople.com/)
Product People Community
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Lausanne
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) lausanne come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Bern
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) bern come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master.** if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Basel
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) basel come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master.** if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Lucerne
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) lucerne come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. please look to formally pre-sign up via the local **bot master.** if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Tue, Apr 29th
Entrepreneurial Discussion Group
entrepreneurial discussion group join us for our weekly entrepreneurship networking and coffee. entrepreneurialism can be very challenging, in this meetup we help each other on the journey. share experience strengths and hope. we do not sell ore promote our products or services. the meeting starts at 8 am and introductions start at 8:15. look forward to seeing you there!
The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group
Control vs. Context in Product Innovation with Björn Pötter
control vs. context in product innovation with björn pötter being involved with innovation in deep tech for over 20 years, both in big corporates like airbus, and in successful startups, like iqm quantum computers, björn will be summarizing some key principles that enable consistent product innovation in uncertain and changing market environments. ** schedule (cet)** 17:00 - 17:05 intros 17:05 - 18:00 presentation and q&a ** about the organizers** we're on a mission to help companies discover and deliver great products faster. we do this by empowering our community to share knowledge generously. through our consulting engagements, we do all the hands-on and unglamorous work of a product manager on an interim basis (3-12 months). we onboard fast, align teams, and deliver outcomes. join the conversation on [telegram.](https://t.me/getproductpeople) connect with us on[ linkedin.](https://www.linkedin.com/company/getproductpeople/) watch our [previous talks here.](https://www.youtube.com/c/productpeoplemanagement/) would you like to attend one of our in-person events? check the [calendar here.](https://lu.ma/productpeople) don't forget to [subscribe to our newsletter](https://getproductpeople.substack.com/) to be up-to-date with the latest product news. step up: do you want to speak at our next events? email [speakers@getproductpeople.com](http://speakers@getproductpeople.com/)
Product People Community
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Zug
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) zug come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Tue, May 6th
Entrepreneurial Discussion Group
entrepreneurial discussion group join us for our weekly entrepreneurship networking and coffee. entrepreneurialism can be very challenging, in this meetup we help each other on the journey. share experience strengths and hope. we do not sell ore promote our products or services. the meeting starts at 8 am and introductions start at 8:15. look forward to seeing you there!
The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group
INNOtalk #14 "Erfolgreiche KI-Integration: Best Practice & praktische Bsp."
innotalk #14 "erfolgreiche ki-integration: best practice & praktische bsp." **innotalk #14** presents "**erfolgreiche ki-integration: best practice, prozesse und praktische beispiele!**" «*𝘒𝘐 𝘬𝘢𝘯𝘯 𝘥𝘦𝘪𝘯 𝘜𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘩𝘮𝘦��� 𝘦𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘻𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘯 – 𝘢𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘶𝘳 𝘮𝘪𝘵 𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘵𝘪𝘨𝘦𝘯 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘦!*» viele unternehmen probieren gerade, ki in ihren alltag einzubauen. ein bisschen workshop hier, ein tool-abonnement dort – und hoffen, dass es schon passt. doch genau so entsteht keine nachhaltige lösung. ohne orientierung und klare prozesse wird ki schnell zur belastung statt zur unterstützung. ki verdient mehr als halbe sachen. sie kann deinen arbeitsalltag vereinfachen, dein unternehmen produktiver machen und deine mitarbeitenden entlasten. aber das passiert nicht von allein. dafür braucht es eine durchdachte, menschenzentrierte integration – und darum geht es beim innotalk #14. gemeinsam mit [intellilab ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/intellilab-ch/)zeigen wir dir, wie du ki sinnvoll und schritt für schritt in dein unternehmen einbaust. **das erwartet dich:** * erfahre, wie du potenziale in deinem unternehmen erkennst und weisst, wo ki sinnvoll eingesetzt werden kann. * schaue dir spezifische anwendungsfälle an und verstehe, wie du sie auf deine eigenen prozesse anwenden kannst. * lerne, wie du deine mitarbeitenden von anfang an integrierst und sie aktiv teil der veränderung machst. **du bekommst keine langen theorien, sondern praktische ansätze, die du direkt umsetzen kannst.** wenn du wissen willst, wie eine sinnvolle ki-integration aussieht – und vor allem, wie du sie angehen kannst – dann ist dieser innotalk genau das richtige für dich. **melde dich jetzt an und bringe struktur, strategie und sinn in deine ki-projekte.** **referent** **[mattia müller](https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattia-m%c3%bcller/)** ***partner und cpo bei intellilab*** mattia müller ist partner bei intellilab. sein alltag dreht sich um eine zentrale frage: wie kann künstliche intelligenz unternehmen wirklich unterstützen – nicht als spielerei, sondern als echter mehrwert? mit einem beruflichen background in mediamatik und wissensmanagement ist mattia sowohl technisch versiert als auch nah an den praktischen bedürfnissen von unternehmen. er versteht, dass ki oft überwältigend und abstrakt wirkt. deshalb setzt er bei seiner arbeit auf struktur, klarheit und bodenständigkeit. mit intellilab begleitet er unternehmen unterschiedlichster grössen – vom kleinen team bis zum etablierten mittelständler – auf dem weg, ki sinnvoll und machbar in ihre prozesse zu integrieren. dabei geht es nicht darum, den neuesten trend zu verfolgen, sondern darum, lösungen zu entwickeln, die zum unternehmen und den menschen passen. mattia glaubt daran, dass gute technologie immer anwendungsorientiert sein muss. sein ansatz ist entsprechend pragmatisch: jede idee, jeder prozess und jede lösung wird darauf geprüft, ob sie nicht nur machbar, sondern im alltag auch wirklich sinnvoll ist. & **referenz\-kundin \| spezial\-gast** **[angela fuchs](https://www.linkedin.com/in/angela-fuchs-luzern/)** ***co-ceo bei wilob*** angela fuchs, co-ceo von [wilob ag](https://www.linkedin.com/school/wilobag/) wird uns über die herausforderung im wissensmanagement und die lösungsansätze berichten, die wir für sie umsetzen durften. **details** ️ datum und uhrzeit: **dienstag, 06. mai 2025 / 09:00 – 11:30 h** ort: **[swissict](https://www.swissict.ch/kontakt/) in zh-altstetten** **agenda** *08.30 – 09:00 h:* eintreffen am veranstaltungsort, kaffee & gipfeli *09:00 – 09:15 h:* start der veranstaltung mit einer begrüssung durch swissict und swissict fachgruppen ‘innovation’ & ‘sourcing & cloud’ *09:15 – 10:15 h:* referenzvortrag „erfolgreiche ki-integration: best practice, prozesse und praktische beispiele“ von mattia müller, partner und chief product officer (cpo) bei intellilab & als spezial-gast, angela fuchs, co-ceo bei wilob inklusive interaktiver fragerunde *10:15 – 11:30 h:* diskussion & networking *11:30 h:* ende der veranstaltung **zielgruppe & sprache** * offene veranstaltung für alle interessierten personen am thema, insbesondere entscheider:innen, innovationsbegeisterte und teams in kleinen und mittelständischen unternehmen sowie konzernen, die das potenzial von ki ausschöpfen wollen. * referat in deutscher und sprache. fragen können sehr gerne auch in englisch gestellt werden. **veranstalter** moderatorenteam der [swissict fachgruppe innovation](https://www.linkedin.com/company/swissict-professional-group-innovation/) ([violeta lozano](https://www.linkedin.com/in/violeta-lozano-roxstar/), [emilie etesi](https://www.linkedin.com/in/emilie-etesi/)) und geschäftsstelle swissict ([carol lechner](https://www.linkedin.com/in/carol-lechner/)) in kooperation mit [intellilab](https://www.linkedin.com/company/intellilab-ch/).
Fachgruppe | Professional Group Innovation SwissICT
Zurich Growth Club: How to build meaningful (business) connections
zurich growth club: how to build meaningful (business) connections
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Chur
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) chur come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Sat, May 10th
UXCamp Switzerland 2025
uxcamp switzerland 2025 **calling all ux enthusiasts! we are looking for sponsors to fund the 12th edition of uxcamp switzerland!** mark your calendar on may 10th, 2025 to participate in your favorite ux design barcamp; a day filled with attention-grabbing, thought-provoking discussions and conversations centered around user experience design and its related disciplines. tickets will be announced soon. **we are looking for volunteers, please reach out to us.** what’s included: * coffee/tea throughout the day * a highly inspiring location, thanks to zhdk * tibits buffet lunch (meat-free, full of flavor!) - at rooftop * giveaways reminder: the unconference schedule is created at the start of the day, not before, but you can prepare ahead of time! it’s your chance to speak to the crowd, too – so best start to think about a topic now if you haven't already got a burning topic note: as a non-profit event run by volunteers, we are 100% reliant on sponsorship. from contributing to our social events to covering catering costs, there are many ways you can support us. we'd love to hear from you. more information on http://www.uxcamp.ch on our ticket price. as in previous years, we keep ticket prices symbolic, making the event as accessible as possible while delivering high value. expect a charge of an average cost of a beer in zurich. thank you for your contributions in advance.
IxDA Zurich
Bitcoin Lakeside Party 2025, Grill & Chill @Badhüüsli Meilen
bitcoin lakeside party 2025, grill & chill @badhüüsli meilen \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* the event organizer expects a cost contribution of 10-20 chf per person, for rent and utensils. the amount can be chosen freely. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* **our traditional (former bas) summer party - bitcoin friends meet at the “badhüüsli” and celebrate the spirit of bitcoin.** **this event is +1, so bring your partner - we won't just talk about bitcoin, we promise :-)** program: 15:00 gate opens 16:30 charcoal fire available 23:00 official end more details to be announced later general: the location offers benches and tables, a small kitchen with refrigerators and an outdoor grill for a nice charcoal fire. the dishes are provided. please bring your own drinks and meat for the barbecue - some side dishes and salads will be provided. the number of registrations is limited to 40 people (capacity rain cover). the number of participants may be increased at short notice (depending on weather conditions). the location is 20 minutes by train from zurich main station: * by public transportation: s6 and s16 from zurich to herrliberg-feldmeilen, then 5 min. walk to badhüüsli. * by car: seestrasse from zurich or rapperswil. ferry from horgen to meilen. parking is limited along the seestrasse. looking forward to a good time with many current and future bitcoiners! sandro *i am still on the lookout for supporters for the event. please get in touch if you are willing to take on a task :-)*
Bitcoin Switzerland
Tue, May 13th
Entrepreneurial Discussion Group
entrepreneurial discussion group join us for our weekly entrepreneurship networking and coffee. entrepreneurialism can be very challenging, in this meetup we help each other on the journey. share experience strengths and hope. we do not sell ore promote our products or services. the meeting starts at 8 am and introductions start at 8:15. look forward to seeing you there!
The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group
DC4131 - Beer on Tuesday (BoT) Zurich
dc4131 - beer on tuesday (bot) zurich come and experience the infamous dc4131 hacker meetup vibe! please find more event specific infos on our **[webpage](https://www.beerontuesday.ch/?page_id=19)**. if you have any location specific questions, otherwise please don't hesitate to contact the board through our website. did someone say **swag?! –** that’s right baby, we are back with our refreshed swag shop, where you can now again purchase the latest and sexiest dc4131 swag – all options and details are here: **[dc4131 swag shop](https://industryink.co.uk/collections/defcon)** additionally, for a ***limited time only***, we have some special, limited edition swag items that may have been peeped by those at the area41 2024 conference, now available to all you lovely people! sizes and numbers are limited, so grab them whilst they’re hot! – **[area41 swag shop](https://pretix.eu/dc4131tickets/swagsale/)** we are also on **[discord](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u)**[ ](https://discord.gg/q3kxn5u):) come say hi!
DEF CON Switzerland [DC4131]
Tue, May 27th
Entrepreneurial Discussion Group
entrepreneurial discussion group join us for our weekly entrepreneurship networking and coffee. entrepreneurialism can be very challenging, in this meetup we help each other on the journey. share experience strengths and hope. we do not sell ore promote our products or services. the meeting starts at 8 am and introductions start at 8:15. look forward to seeing you there!
The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group
Networking-Event Drinks & Links in Zürich, Amboss Rampe
networking-event drinks & links in zürich, amboss rampe das "drinks und links"-team lädt dich zum nächsten networking-event in zürich ein. sich austauschen, innovative geschäftsideen besprechen, kontakte knüpfen oder einfach eine gute zeit haben - das haben wir uns von "drinks und links" auf die fahne geschrieben. unkomplizierte atmosphäre - kühle drinks - coole location. wir freuen uns schon jetzt, dich an unserem nächsten event zu begrüssen! \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the drinks and links team are hosting another fab free networking event in zürich (http://drinksandlinks.com/netwoking-event-in-zuerich/). so make a resolution to save the date for a great night of networking and socialising. there is plenty of space to expand our group at a bar which boasts a great selection of drinks! see you there. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- the "drinks and links"-team - now wer'e talking http://www.drinksandlinks.com
Drinks and Links - Networking in Zürich
Thu, Jun 26th
Product Academy Summit
product academy summit \>\>[ticket](https://eventfrog.ch/en/p/science-and-technology/product-academy-summit-2025-7283793924010790055.html)<< get ready for the product academy summit - a pm event you don’t want to miss! join us on **june 26 in zürich** for a day filled with valuable insights and innovation. engage with **thought-provoking keynotes**, participate in **interactive sessions**, and **network** with industry leaders and fellow product enthusiasts. whether you're a seasoned professional or just beginning your journey in product management, this conference offers learning opportunities for all levels of expertise. tickets cover refreshments and snacks during breaks, as well as food and drinks at the conference's conclusion. tickets are non-refundable, and the agenda is subject to change. by purchasing a ticket, you acknowledge that photos may be taken during the event. if you prefer not to have your photo shared, please contact the organizer. two sessions are available for everyone and guests will be able to chose 2 talks from 4. the **leadership apéro** is an exclusive and intimate gathering designed specifically for leaders overseeing teams of three or more product managers. **conference line-up** opening keynote **product, purpose, profit – a balancing act** daniel käser (cpo of migros online, zurich) the grocery industry presents unique challenges, from managing razor-thin margins to balancing customer needs with cost pressures. at migros online, this balancing act is a daily reality. in his talk, product, purpose, profit – a balancing act, daniel shares insights from his experiences, highlighting successes, missteps, and the valuable lessons that have shaped how the company builds products and serves its shoppers. *** conference track 1 **scaling impact without scaling costs: building a product ops team on a budget** julia wissel (product director at moia, berlin) in this talk, julia shares the journey of founding a dedicated product operations team at moia [a tech company within the volkswagen group, building software products enabling an on-demand mobility service in hamburg, germany], overcoming budget constraints with creativity and resourcefulness. learn how strategic stakeholder engagement, reallocation of existing resources to what matters most, and assembling a passionate team enabled transformational improvements in operational efficiency of how products are built at moia. offering actionable insights and (hopefully) inspiring lessons, this session will empower product managers to drive impactful change, even in the face of limitations. be inspired on how also you can drive meaningful change in your organization—no extra budget required. **the anatomy of a retention-led growth strategy** salome lang (head of analytics at sherpany, zurich) as more and more software companies recognize that retention will make or break their growth model, understanding and improving user retention becomes critical. learn from sherpany’s use case how we analyze user cohorts, combine user, customer, and activation data (like aha and habit moments) to extract clear action points, and how pms can drive stickiness by asking their data teams better questions. *** conference track 2 **decoding product strategy: questions, approach and mindset** bandan jot singh (head of product at riverty, amsterdam) how to work towards a strategy that serves as a comprehensive but sharp-like-knife narrative that effectively communicates the directions necessary to succeed in the targeted market. it goes beyond merely informing leadership, but extending to all levels of the organization. in this talk, we go deep into 10 questions to answer while framing strategy, how to approach strategy creation depending on the stage of your role and the organisation, and finally which pitfalls to avoid. **working with product principles** noam ben haim (product leader at uber, amsterdam) noam recently joined the product leadership team at uber after having served as director of product at booking.com and checkout.com. prior to that, he has been with google between 2007 and 2019. his last position at google involved leading the flights and packages product teams. before, ben haim worked on google maps, leading all the directions related product, including driving directions, public transit, road traffic and more. ben haim joined google in tel aviv, as the first pm hired in israel, and worked on launching products for israel and the middle east. prior to joining google he spent 5 years with mobileye, developing vision based technologies for driving assistant systems. *** closing keynote **how less product management can boost your career** robin simon (ceo at threema, zurich) what is product management really and do modern companies still need it? why are product managers suddenly struggling to find career opportunities while a few years ago it was the hottest position out there? in this talk simon will take a (personal) look at these and other questions and hopefully trigger a healthy discussion with you. ps: this talk might hurt a little, so he’ll add a few cute cat pictures to the slides... robin simon is ceo of threema, a leading secure communication provider. before, he was the cpo of tx markets, the ceo of car for you and for many years a serial entrepreneur. he loves travling through unconventional countries and is a dedicated photographer, writer and musician. he laughs loud and often.
Product Academy Switzerland
Product Academy Summit - Save the date!
product academy summit - save the date! ticket : https://eventfrog.ch/en/p/science-and-technology/product-academy-summit-2025-7283793924010790055.html get ready for the product academy summit - a pm event you don’t want to miss! join us on **june 26 in zürich** for a day filled with valuable insights and innovation. engage with **thought-provoking keynotes**, participate in **interactive sessions**, and **network** with industry leaders and fellow product enthusiasts. whether you're a seasoned professional or just beginning your journey in product management, this conference offers learning opportunities for all levels of expertise. we're excited to introduce you to some of our esteemed speakers, including daniel käser (chief product officer @ migros online), simon robin (ceo @ threema) and noam ben-haim (previously vp of product management @checkout.com & senior director @booking.com) who will bring a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to advance your product strategies. **important note:** by clicking 'attend' you don’t secure your spot at the product academy summit. attendance is contingent upon purchasing a ticket, which will be available for sale shortly. mark your calendars and don't miss your chance to experience the product academy family feeling during this interactive half-day conference. **partners** a big thank you goes to our partners: **on** is hosting us at their beautiful office
Product Academy Switzerland